We’ve won, we’ve won! – Young Europe IV
We’ve won, we’ve won! Among 150 applicants and finalists in this category, Young Europe IV was chosen as the winner of the European Art Explora – Académie des Beaux-Arts Award. In thios initiative which is in collaboration with the European Theatre Convention, we had Kurt Gabriel Meli and Alex Weenink as our representatives alongside their mentor Ruth Borg.
Young Europe IV has the aim to transform European Classrooms into theatres for the duration of a play whilst the type of stories that we tell about people from disadvantaged backgrounds in society are changed.
This project brought together 9 theatres from 7 countries to create plays alongside young theatre makers that transcend nation, cultural and language barriers. This edition focused on voices which are not of white heterosexual males in the European Theatre Convention.
Every participating theatre worked with emerging theatre writers who shared their stories in classes from the United Kingdom to Cyprus.
For more information about this project and its participants, visit here.