

Age Restrictions: Please refer to event descriptions for show-specific age recommendations.

Accessibility: Teatru Malta tries to be as accessible as possible at all times, and in all venues. Patrons with disability who buy tickets through our box office are kindly asked to inform staff at the time of purchase by calling or emailing the info points below. Teatru Malta requests that patrons in wheelchairs arrive at least 15 minutes early to be seated comfortably prior to the show. Upon request, Teatru Malta staff will meet theatre patrons outside the venue for further assistance, if required and informed in advance.


Special Concessions: If you are a student, persons with disability, senior citizen or blood donor you are eligible for a concession discount for any one of our events. Necessary verification needs to be presented to our ushers to validate concession discount on the night of the event.


Want to know more? Then for more information about tickets follow us down the rabbit hole and:




  • Call us on: 21221055