Ghandek storja x’tirrakonta?
Il-Klassi tas-Surmast: Stella Pulo
Workshop Dates: 19th to 27th August 2019
Workshow Date: 28th August 2019
Venue: Archbishop’s Seminary, Rabat
We Want You !
Teatru Malta is looking for energetic, enthusiastic and committed story tellers!
This August Teatru Malta will be hosting a masterclass by an expert pedagogue and professional actress to guide artists to create monologues and original solo-performances that are fresh, current and can potentially tour. Workshops as part of the masterclass will be led by the first Australian to be honored with a lifetime membership to the prestigious Actors Studio. Stella Pulo, has worked in Australia, New York, Paris, Tokyo, London and Edinburgh, as both actor and educator. Intrigued by the prospect of returning to her native Malta, this Australian master will be sharing her knowledge and expertise over the course of a unique and intensive 10-day monologue polishing and solo-performance masterclass. With her guidance, feedback, and constructive comments from other workshop participants, thespians will plan, write and rehearse their solo-performance collectively until finally presenting an excerpt of their individual piece to a live audience.
Let’s get cracking.
Download your application form here!