Taħdita Teatru

Teatru Malta / Spazju Kreattiv

Spazju Kreattiv

This Monday watch a show, have a chat, and sip some wine!

After the success of Taħdita Teatru, which was part of the programme celebrating World Theatre Day in 2017 and also our first listening exercise, Teatru Malta has teamed up with the guys at Spazju Kreattiv to create a whole year of listening, archiving, documenting, debating and everything in between!

Taħdita Teatru is a series of all that, but let’s call them talks for the sake of this brief. These talks will be discussing the productions of Teatru Malta and Spazju Kreattiv. This exercise will be documenting contemporary theatre in Malta whilst also giving a platform for artists and audiences to discuss, criticise, applaud, argue, network, drink and, if necessary, dance.


Taħdita Teatru

Spazju Kreattiv 12/03/18