MADC One Act Festival: L-Ewwel Att

Teatru Malta

“Many people love the theatre and want to make theatre, but they don’t know where to start. We didn’t want to start from scratch but build on what there was already, so we worked with the MADC One Act Festival, which has a beautiful history, to make this festival a place where one takes even more risks, and this year, also write.”

6th to 9th September 2018
MADC Club Rooms

For the first time in 2018, MADC’s One Act Festival will be collaborating with Teatru Malta. A first for the well-known and beloved local festival. We know the drill, 5 one-acts staged at the MADC’s very own club rooms but this time with the help of Teatru Malta and an esteemed selection of experienced colleagues. Writing and directing workshops will be held leading up to the festival in the hope of fine-tuning the craft of its already talented participants. The prize? The opportunity to stage the winning show at one of Malta’s most popular theatres.

Production Team

Co-produced: MADC

Manager: Stephanie Bonnici

MADC One Act Festival: L-Ewwel Att

MADC Club Rooms 6th to 9th September 2018