‘Diversity in Action’ – ETC code of conduct for European theatres

One of the key outcomes from the ETC International Theatre Conference, Bratislava in November 2018, entitled “Diversity in Action”, was the unanimous vote by the network theatres on a European code of conduct to promote diversity and gender equality in the European theatres . As a follow-up step, ETC commissioned an academic study on diversity in the network’s theatres and the initial results of this study will be presented during the ETC International Theatre Conference, Amsterdam.

The aim of the study is to establish an accurate picture of the current situation of European Theatres regarding diversity and gender equality on and behind stage. The results will help inform the future work of ETC and its members.

Researchers at UCLouvain have been collaborating with ETC to create questionnaires for our member theatres to complete:

  1. This is an anonymous online questionnaire linked here, to be completed by staff at all levels of the organisation from direction, technical and administrative staff to the actors and musicians. We ask you to share this questionnaire and encourage your staff to complete it online by TODAY

Please feel reassured that all answers are confidential, and results will be aggregated to create an overall report. No specific information from your theatre will be communicated.

It will be greatly appreciated if you can present the first questionnaire upon receiving it to your team, by email, internal communication methods or in your next team meeting and to emphasize that all staff are invited to complete it. Your support as director will help to encourage participation in the study from your staff far more than an email from us!

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and participation in the study.

DOWNLOAD the ETC ”Diversity in Action” Code of Conduct below!