CALL FOR: Artistic Programme Coordinators
14.02.20Teatru Malta are seeking to engage EXPERIENCED and ENTHUSIASTIC service providers to serve as:
Artistic Programme Coordinator
ROLE: The Artistic Programme Coordinator’s role will be to support the development and delivery of the artistic programme by coordinating productions within the Teatru Malta calendar of events and organising the logistics to deliver this programme. The Programme Coordinator reports to the Artistic Director of Teatru Malta.
BASIS: Contract for service on an average of 40 hours a week
FEE: €22,000 exc. VAT per year with a 10% increase per year
DURATION: 3 years
Interested? Download the Artistic Programme Coordinators call today and apply!
N.B Submission of applications:
Applications, supported by the necessary documentation which should include a detailed Curriculum Vitae, are to reach contact@ by not later than the 14th February 2020, noon.
Applicants must have a valid VAT registration number. The selected service provider will be responsible for all the relevant taxation and social security contributions according to the national legislation.