Marceline Galea



Marceline Galea began her theatrical training with Corinthia’s animation team, where for some years she was responsible of its management. She took part in different television productions as a presenter, including Ċaqlaq and Puntini, which won a number of prizes in the programmes for young people category, as well as an actress in Gizelle, KC, Tereża and Division 7. For seven years she was also part of Xarabank’s creative team. Recent theatrical projects include Iġsma Iħirsa, Il-Kennies tal-Ġenna, Il-Kappilan ta’ Malta, Faith Hope and Charity, NEETS, It-Tfajjel ta’ Fuq il-Bandla, Inverzjoni, Ħabbilni Ħa Nirbaħ, Fl-Isem tal-Missier tal-Iben u tal-Ispettur Bonnici, Hekuba, Sitt Xhur Biss, Missierna li x’Aktarx Inti fis-Smewwiet, Il-Ħanina Madalena, Elektra, Bejn Linja u Oħra, The Goat (or who killed Sylvia), id-dawl fit-tieqa tas-sitt sular/ il-warda bla xewk fuq iċ-ċinta tal-ġnien, Notte X-voto, u ..imbghad Margherita. She also took part in the films Genesis (2001), Ħabbilni Ħa Nirbaħ (2018) u and in the music video “Breathlessly” for Eurovision (2017). She also directed two productions for the Cospicua Short Play Festival where she won the honour of best direction in the two occasions (2020, 2022). She also won the honour for best actress three times at the same festival (2018, 2019,2022). Marceline graduated with a Bachelor’s in Human Resources Management and also a Master’s in Psychology.