Joachim Robbrecht
Joachim Robbrecht (born 1979, living in Rotterdam) is an author, director and theatre performer. He studied literature at the University of Ghent, Belgium and directing at Amsterdam School of Arts, the Netherlands. Approaching theatre from a post-disciplinary stance, he has an avid interest in dissecting the political and historical layers that constitute present-day subjectivities. He produces unorthodox but sapient and moving performances. In addition to his own productions, he collaborates with several Dutch theatre collectives and artists, including Moremans & sons, Dood Paard and De Warme Winkel. He also writes plays for one of The Netherlands’ biggest national theatre companies, Toneelgroep Oostpool. Aside from this, he has been an associated artist of the German theatre group Andcompany&co, and is currently tutoring at Das Graduate School, University of the Arts, Amsterdam. His plays have been translated in German and he has represented the Dutch Performing Arts on several occasions in Istanbul, Vienna and Berlin. His work has been awarded with Ton Lutz Prijs, de Charlotte Köhler Prijs and Gouden Krekel and the German author prize for drama Kaas&Kappes.
Recent productions include Tropical Healing (2017), The Great Warmachine (2015), Black Bismarck (2013) and Figaro Desire Machine (2012). Recent texts include Crashtest Ibsen Ik Zie Spoken (2016) and Bromance (2016).